


事情发生的经过: 在联邦层面, the partial government shutdown crossed into its 35th day on Friday as congressional leaders tried to reach consensus. 在州一级, General Assembly members were moving or settling into their legislative offices in Raleigh for the long session about to begin.
单词释义: 说到州议会, we're getting to know which members will serve on the chambers' various committees. 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔周五表示 公布最终名单从老龄问题到野生动物资源,这些委员会都要填写. 代表. 邓恩的大卫·刘易斯将继续领导众议院规则委员会. “I appreciate the hard work of so many House members 和 staff to prepare for another successful session of the General Assembly,演讲者摩尔说. 参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰公布了参议院委员会的任务安排 本月初
利用: 长时间的会议将于1月8日星期三开始. 30. 
瘦子: 现在没有什么好说的了. Organizational work at the legislature appears to be ahead of past years' schedules, 议员们已就位, 我们期待着在2019年会议召开之际与他们合作. 

Kicking off Monday is a statewide series of conversations about better broadb和 access for your community. It's called Let's Connect, 和 it's sponsored by the League, the Minneapolis, Minn.美国当地自力更生研究所和N.C. 宽带的问题. 加入你的邻居, 社区领袖, local internet service providers 和 national experts for the conversation about improving internet access in our state. 定于1月11日停靠. 1月28日,阿尔伯马尔. 29日在福奎-瓦里纳和1月. 杰克逊维尔30人. 点击这里查阅地点及登记资料.
在相关新闻中,杰克逊维尔每日新闻发表了一篇 评论文章 星期五说,该地区“需要加强宽带”.”“在民选官员的共同努力下, 当地的领导人, 农村合作社, 互联网服务提供商, 参与的居民, communities throughout the state can make sure they aren’t left behind in an increasingly connected world," the newspaper piece says before pitching Let's Connect as a way to start the conversation. 

The Board of Trustees of the Local Government Employees’ Retirement System (LGERS) will meet on Thursday for a regular meeting​. 议程项目包括:确定该制度未来的雇主缴费率. Based on information that will be provided to the board – including documents that can be viewed 在这里在这里 – the board will consider options that could push future employer contribution rates for general employees above 13 percent by fiscal year 2024-25.
Despite local governments providing contributions in excess of what was required to fully fund the system in recent years, 多种因素的组合——包括预测的-1.5 percent return on system investments in 2018 – are forecasted to result in a system funding shortfall in future years. 由于这个不足, the board will consider options that will amend the Employer Contribution Rate Stabilization Policy (ECRSP), 这是 2016年获批 在365足彩下载的支持下,直到现在才允许系统的全部资金.
如果董事会采纳了拟议的方案,就会远离ECRSP, the employer contribution rate for general employees in fiscal year 2019-20 is projected to be 8.95%. That's still a projection at this point; the League will keep you updated on the board’s decision 和 communicate any information on employer contribution rates as soon as it is available.

2019年的小镇 & 离国宴还有不到一个月的时间,现在是时候了 预订您的座位因为座位很快就坐满了. 定于2月. 罗利镇20号 & 国宴是市政官员和州议员共进晚餐的地方, 网络, strengthen relationships 和 discuss opportunties to work together for a better North Carolina. 市政官员:一定要亲自邀请你们的立法委员. 这一天还将包括关于宽带接入的信息会议, 经济适用房, 还有立法方面的事情. 不要等; 现在注册

The latest list of state board 和 commission appointments from the governor's office includes local government experience. 埃隆镇经理理查德·J. White has been named to the Code Officials Qualification Board in a seat reserved for a municipal manager. Appointed to the Veterans Affairs Commission is Davidson 小镇 Commissioner Jane Campbell, 在海军服役超过25年的人, 州长办公室说的. nel玫瑰园, a former Cary 小镇 Council member (和 past deputy chief of staff 和 chief financial officer at the N.C. Attorney General's Office) has been named to the Supplemental Retirement Board of Trustees. Asheville Fire Department Captain Scott Mullins is now on the Fire 和 Rescue Commission. 现在林业委员会的成员是凯特琳·伯克, who otherwise serves on 小镇 of Cary boards related to the environment 和 urban forestry. 点击这里 查看最近任命的完整名单.

该州将向下城强势(Downtown Strong)投资26万美元. 罗伊·库珀的家乡强计划 去年公布的. Downtown Strong is a "program to build local government capacity by providing economic development planning 和 revitalization resources 和 guidance,联合国在一份新闻稿中解释道.C. 商务部. 它补充说,程序, 由该州的主要街道和农村规划中心运营, 是建立在当地农村领导的反馈之上的吗. "Downtown Strong will provide planning 和 revitalization expertise to communities across North Carolina that otherwise might not have access to these resources,州长说。. 库珀. Local governments interested can reach out to Main Street 和 Rural Planning Center Director Liz Parham at lparham@nccommerce.com. 点击这里 欲知详情.

美国.S. Census Bureau has identified five barriers that may hinder participation in the 2020 Census, the decennial headcount that will work as a vital component in the allocation of federal resources to communities, 包括计划和经济发展资金. 在一份关于公众认知和环境的新研究报告中, the Bureau listed the following potential problems in how individuals may regard the decennial headcount: concerns with data confidentiality or privacy; fear of repercussions for answering a question a certain way; distrust in government; a feeling that one's individual participation won't matter; 和 a belief that one's participation won't bring personal benefit. 了解这些可能的障碍有助于该局开展公众教育工作. “2020年人口普查的每一部分都是基于研究,人口普查局局长史蒂文·迪林厄姆说. 准确和完整的人口普查依赖于美国.S. 在网上回答2020年人口普查的家庭, 通过电话或邮件, 而365体育足彩活动是实现这一目标的关键.” The report also says that less than half of respondents surveyed were aware that census results factor in to community funding. 点击这里 for the full report 和 other st和out findings, including motivators for participation. 点击这里 to learn more about the role of 当地的领导人 in the effort toward a complete count.

现在可以获得365足彩下载最新的季度收入报告,可在 新的互动格式 还有一个 PDF. 两者都有房子 在365足彩下载的网站上. The latest report examines state-collected local revenues received by local governments for the first quarter of the 2018-2019 fiscal year. These reports provide a snapshot of quarterly trends in state-collected local revenues 和 supplement the League’s Annual Revenue Projection, 三月来临. If you have any questions regarding the Revenue 代表orts or Revenue Projections, please 联系365足彩下载研究战略家凯特琳·桑德斯.