


的 立法提案的提交本周仍在继续. 以下几点值得注意:

-SB 100警察资金保护法案 -一项可能影响州政府为地方政府提供资金的提案. The extended title of this bill explains that cities and counties that reduce funds for law enforcement officers or law enforcement agencies “by an amount that exceeds on percent of the funds appropriated in any fiscal year for all other city or county employees or departments, 或两个, 国家收入相应减少…….着眼于“撤资”警察的话题,这个法案 本周受到了WRAL新闻的关注.

-HB 119为受COVID影响的企业减免财产税 - Allows for deferment of taxes if the qualifying property owner can show that the pandemic caused specific damages to business as laid out in the bill. It would also require assessors to “recognize the effect of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 relief efforts for purposes of determining the value of property resulting from a change in the legally permitted use of the property." 

-SB 31政治分区/本地投标者通告 我们在上周的公报中指出了这项法案的提交. 本周,委员会对该法案进行了实质性修改, 而这些都是365足彩下载支持的改变. 还有改进的空间,我们正在努力. 一般, the bill would provide that political subdivisions of the state must notify persons or businesses in their limits by mail or electronic notice of work requiring an estimated expenditure of $50,000或更多由政治分区出让投标. 根据现行法律, invitations for bid proposals are advertised in the newspaper and/or by electronic notice. 

-HB 62 Gov. 遵守入境条例/禁令条例 -这份账单, 和之前的类似, would authorize injunctive relief against local governments that adopt so-called “sanctuary city" policies, 违反国家法律的法令或程序. 该法案将于周二举行无票听证会. 

-HB 7保护城市雇员免受报复 -这个, providing that “cities shall adopt rules and regulations encouraging their employees to report improper or unlawful activity and requiring cities to protect employees who report such activity from retaliation or other discriminatory action,,预计将于下周提交众议院地方政府委员会. 

什么是在美国的实质性延误.S. Census data and redistricting requirements mean for your municipality and local elections scheduled for 2021? 选举会被推迟吗?? 请于2月11日星期四加入我们. 下午2点25分.m. 参加另一届推进倡导会议, 365足彩下载的虚拟会议形式涵盖了所有事情的倡导, to answer those questions and more related to the census' effects on upcoming municipal elections. We will be joined by Blake Esselstyn of Mapfigure 咨询 and Caroline Mackie, Poynter Spruill的律师, to provide you with some expert perspective on the election-related issues created by the census data delays. 要注册,只需点击 在这里. 一如既往,推进倡导是免费的. 希望能在那里见到你!

N.C. 市政365足彩下载很荣幸能举办一年一度的 小镇 & 国家社会:连接立法者和地方领导人的虚拟市政厅 3月3日星期三下午5点.m.,这次以虚拟形式呈现.

和我们一起在这个特别的夜晚庆祝我们的城市和城镇, 并讨论我们地方政府面临的最关键的问题. This is a valuable opportunity for 我们的地方领导人 and state legislators to meet, 交互, and hear from one another regarding the pressing issues facing our cities and towns.

该活动将包括众多立法领导人的政策更新, 州政府和地方官员之间的市政厅会议, and networking opportunities that aim to strengthen relationships as we move into the 2021-22 legislative biennium. 我们还将探讨NCLM的市政立法目标, 被你收养, 我们的地方领导人, and look at how they intersect with the challenges facing your city or town.

这不会是又一次极速会议. 准备好迎接一个迷人的夜晚吧, 充满了娱乐性和有价值的片段, 晚上结束时, 会帮助我们“齐心协力?, 推进所有." 

点击: 资料及登记.

的 League is offering a webinar through its 推进市级领导 program to help members understand the distressed utility designation that is being implemented by the Local Government Commission (LGC) and the State Water Infrastructure Authority (SWIA). Distressed Public Utilities: What It Means for Municipalities is set for March 2, 10 – 11 a.m. (通过缩放). Kim Colson from the Department of Environmental Quality and Sharon Edmundson from the LGC will be presenting more information about the distressed utility designation. 可以注册 在这里.

​State government this week announced nearly $27 million had been awarded to 34 local governments “in response to the adverse and public health impacts of COVID 19…." The funds came through the Community Development Block Grant 冠状病毒 program and are chiefly meant to prevent evictions and utility disconnections. “Our communities need help in recovering from the pandemic and these funds will help with some of their immediate needs,州长说。. 罗伊•库珀. 请参阅受助人名单.

12项来自地方政府的拨款申请,共计4美元.600万辆获得了国家农村基础设施管理局的批准. 他们承诺创造439个就业岗位, 预计相关私人投资将超过6000万美元. “A broad-based economic recovery requires investments in rural North Carolina communities, 这就是这些拨款要做的事情,“政府. 罗伊·库珀在新闻发布会上说. “这些拨款将帮助各县和乡镇供水, sewer and buildings to help their existing small businesses and residents as well as attracting more good paying jobs." 请参阅受助人和项目的完整列表.

365足彩下载正为凯丽·库库拉的死而悲痛不已, 亲爱的朋友, wife and mother who served as the organization's Learning and Development Strategist and who earlier played a central role in its Government Affairs division. 经过与癌症的长期斗争,凯莉于周三去世. 

她的丈夫, 约翰, provided the following comments on social media: “Our sweet Kelli Kukura passed away just after three o'clock this afternoon with all the grace and calm she had hoped to have. 我们内心破碎. 但我们知道,她对所爱之人的爱将永远存在. 一个请求:告诉你爱的人,你今晚的感受.


“谢谢你,凯莉,向我们展示了如何生活. 我们将永远感激你不可思议的爱心."

A GoFundMe页面 是为了她的家庭而创造的吗. 

As reflected on the fundraiser page, Kelli had explained the following: “After 6 + years of metastatic breast cancer, 16 different chemos, tons of radiation and 手术,我的身体已经受够了. 很高兴我不用这么做 决定.

“所以现在只有两个目标:1. 格蕾丝和2. 平静.

“我真的不能要求事情变得比现在更好了. 上帝拥有我.

“我的灵魂一切安好. Any extra hugs for my sweet and amazing family right now would be my only request. 我被他们的祝福淹没了.


凯莉是365足彩下载和她服务的其他组织中受人爱戴的一员. 她加入365足彩下载的时间始于2008年, having transitioned from a 12-year tenure in public and government affairs roles at DuPont. She became the League's Director of Government Affairs and helped to form the organization's first Government Affairs Department. She oversaw numerous programming and functional additions for the organization, 而且是在良好的团队士气下做到的.

“Kelli's purpose for living was the elimination of barriers to greater happiness and future possibilities,保罗·迈耶说, NCLM执行董事,凯丽的老朋友. 他们在政府事务部门并肩工作. “她有一种天生的能力,可以整理乱七八糟的东西, 并为所有相关方建立一条通往有益结果的道路. Memories of her zest for life and positive energy will continue to inspire us to learn and grow, 这样我们才能成为最好的自己. 我们会想念她的."

Kelli于2013年加入杜克能源公司,担任政府事务总监, serving in that role for more than six years before rejoining the League as its Learning and Development Strategist. 

我们会记住凯丽的善良、努力和许多成就. Our thoughts and hearts are with Kelli's family and friends in this very difficult time.