


事情发生的经过: 在这个漫长的会议上,说立法机关继续缓慢而有条不紊地行动,相对来说是正确的, but there's plenty to highlight. 拨款委员会听取了关于预算编制考虑的报告 教育债券法案 worth nearly $2 billion saw action, 和 we're now past the deadline for lawmakers to get certain kinds of bills filed. Senators, for instance, had until Thursday to file local bills.

单词释义: Within the activity is movement on some of the 2019- 2020年倡导目标 that cities 和 towns across the state set just prior to the long-session.
利用: 还有一些截止日期. 众议院议员必须在3月28日之前提交地方法案(如果他们在之前的截止日期之前将这些法案请求提交给起草办公室). 3月27日是他们起草公共法案和决议(不涉及收入或支出的)的最后期限. (Public bills dealing with money have House deadlines in April.)除了4月2日对公共法案和决议的最后一次呼吁外,我们已经过了参议院所有提交文件的最后期限. 
瘦子: 再一次。, 有很多可聊的, but as deadlines pass 和 we move deeper into bill-vetting 和 budget talks, the priorities of cities 和 towns are in the mix of conversation. This Bulletin breaks down what we know right now. 

美国国会本周提交的127项新法案在一定程度上代表了周四向参议院提交的一系列地方法案. 整体, the raft of new proposals included nods to the 集体倡导目标 that North Carolina's cities 和 towns chose ahead of the long-session. For the Senate, Thursday was deadline-day for local bills, bringing in proposals like SB 256257, 他们将分别在派恩维尔(用于公共基础设施和设施)和科尼利厄斯(用于道路建设和改善)设立地方选择销售税。. Those revenue sources would only go into effect following local voter approval. Another local option sales tax bill 亨德森维尔的街道改善计划在众议院浮出水面(当地法案的最后期限是3月28日). 再一次。, these measures line up with municipal advocacy goals. 
SB 263 Law Enforcement Recordings/Winston-Salem also met the Senate's local deadline. Applying only to Winston-Salem, 它将改变有关发布和披露执法机构录音的现行法律. 除此之外,​​ it would allow release or disclosure to the city manager, 市议会, 或公民审查委员会,如果有保密协议,并在非公开会议上完成——这也反映了365足彩下载成员的目标. Other recent local bills include HB 311, 向众议院提出授权格林斯博罗市转让城市拥有的房地产,以努力扩大经济适用房, 目标话题). 
关于资金或拨款的其他支持目标的法案在委员会举行了第一次听证会,并在没有重大辩论或担忧的情况下获得通过. 它们包括: 
-HB 159 State 搜索 和 Rescue Funding,也就是2美元.今后两个财政年度每年拨款300万美元用于支持与地方政府合作开展的搜寻和救援活动.
-HB 258 Exp和 Eligibility for Utility Account, which would give more counties eligibility for the Utility Account Program, 哪些项目向符合条件的农村地区的地方政府提供基础设施项目资助, 比如水和下水道, 宽带, 和运输.
-HB 206 DOT 立法 Changes, 在其他事项中,哪一个会建立一个项目来资助大型公共商业机场的改进.
Follow along with the proposals we're monitoring with our easy-to-use online Bill Tracker​

政府. 罗伊·库珀发布了一项行政命令,旨在改善全州的互联网接入, 第一步包括“挖一次”政策,促进在国家道路建设项目中安装宽带基础设施. 第91号行政命令 于周四发布,另外还成立了一个连接北卡罗来纳州的州长特别工作组. 整体, “该命令指示州政府领导人确定并消除负担得起的障碍, 高速互联网接入, eliminate the homework gap that results from students not having internet access, 和 facilitate private-sector deployment of last-mile infrastructure," a 新闻稿 解释. 
“挖掘一次”政策将由州交通部和信息技术部与包括365足彩下载在内的利益相关者团体协商后共同制定. 根据订单, it will go into effect this July to reduce 宽带 construction costs 和 time, "eliminating a major barrier to exp和ing 高速互联网接入 to many areas,州长办公室说. 政府ernor Cooper argues it's "not optional" to accept unreliable, slow or non-existent connections anymore. "Too many North Carolinians lack internet access they need to apply for jobs, do homework or run a small business,他说. 
The League has assembled numerous resources, including a detailed report on the 宽带 gap with recommendations, at 0111397.com/broadband

​League leaders 和 a b和 of North Carolina municipal officials joined a national, 组织365体育足彩日 在华盛顿特区.C. 本周,它敦促联邦决策者对日益增长的基础设施和社区发展需求采取行动. With League-member officials​ numbering beyond 180, 超过2个,000 leaders from America’s cities, towns 和 villages are here 在华盛顿特区.C., with a simple message: Rebuild With Us," said Gary, Ind., 市长凯伦·弗里曼·威尔逊说, president of the National League of Cities (NLC), which organized the day as part of its Congressional City Conference​​. “与我们一起重建”是NLC要求国会通过综合措施的运动,不仅要重建国家的基础设施,还要重新构想它. 该组织表示,强大的地方-联邦合作关系对于做好这项工作至关重要. 为此目的, 北卡罗来纳州在国会山的表现令人印象深刻,从小社区到最大城市的民选官员和工作人员. Said League 执行董事 Paul Meyer, 他也参加了, “我们代表了北卡罗来纳州市政当局的多样性以及他们的需求是如何变化的. What these cities 和 towns have in common, 虽然, 他们的领导人是帮助国会在维护和发展我们的社区方面做出明智决定的关键伙伴吗. 很高兴看到我们的成员城市和城镇有效地分享他们的故事.”
相关新闻中, 国家图书馆选择了达勒姆大学 作为美国仅有的8个.S. cities to receive funding 和 technical assistance toward resiliency goals, 这有助于为全国其他城市创造新的见解和标准.

​A​ pair of announcements this week from the N.C. 商务部都是关于北卡罗来纳州市中心的成功及其对整个州的意义. The first one focuses on the N.C. 主要街道 和 Small Town 主要街道 Awards Ceremony this week in Salisbury, which recognized 14 downtown revitalization projects, like the "Made on Main" work in Goldsboro, honored as "Best Public-Private Partnership in Downtown Revitalization.“Fuquay-Varina, 为另一个, won in "Best Adaptive Reuse Project,“在一间翻修过的, former EMS building now in use as successful private, 市中心的商业. 肯尼花, assistant secretary for Rural Economic Development, said it's important these projects are publicized. “他们展示了地方政府及其经济发展伙伴的愿景, 私人开发商, 企业主, 普通市民需要改善他们的市区,发展当地经济,他说. 
The awards coincided with the 2019 N.C. 主要街道 Conference in downtown Salisbury, itself a great success in partner-driven revitalization, 根据政府. 罗伊•库珀. "Creating the synergy of a strong downtown helps rural counties across North carolina, particularly when they come to events like this 和 see downtown Salisbury,“ Salisbury Post newspaper quoted​ 州长的. 
与此同时, 商务部宣布选出农村县的24个社区作为“市中心强”项目, 一个来自美国的新项目.C. 主要街道 & 乡村规划中心为选定的合并乡村社区提供市区振兴方案. "Downtowns are the heartbeat of North Carolina," said Commerce Secretary Anthony M. 科普兰. “Downtown Strong将帮助小社区重新获得经济活力,并使它们能够留住和招募新企业, create jobs 和 spur investment." A 新闻稿 has more details 和 gives a full list of chosen towns. 

政府. 罗伊•库珀 has added more municipal experience to state entities. 周三, 他的办公室宣布 the appointment of Goldsboro Mayor Chuck Allen to the N.C. 军事委员会. 市长艾伦, 谁是韦恩县发展365足彩下载和戈尔兹伯勒都市组织的主席, 他在西摩约翰逊空军基地附近的一位退休军人的委托下担任职务. 本周还宣布,波洛克斯维尔市长杰伊·本德将成为特赖恩宫委员会的普通成员. 本德尔还担任军民社区委员会和其他几个领导职务.