


事情发生的经过: 近4000例新型冠状病毒肺炎实验室确诊病例 在北卡罗来纳州. 至少80人死亡. 数百人住院. 几乎 北卡罗来纳州的每个县都受到了影响 N.C. 卫生与公众服务部. 周四,州长发出警告 another executive order with measures for retailers to follow to further limit 社区传播的机会.

这意味着什么?政策措施不断更新 从地方政府的角度来看,问题不断出现. 365足彩下载有 been hard at advocacy work 和 intergovernmental communication so municipal 官员 can focus on their residents 和 local businesses, but we’ll point out an action area in 这 Bulletin cities 和 towns should take up 立即.

利用: 现在就打电话给你的立法者 关于收入 shortfalls expected in municipal budgets – that’s your action item. 你知道 the situation at home, but read the article below for broader background 和 context along with info on a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 response measure from the N.C. 一般 预计将在本月底进行投票.

瘦子: 我们知道你正忙着处理当地的事 重要的. 这就是你要做的. As the news comes in, we’ll continue updating our 新型冠状病毒肺炎-related resource page, http://7wy.0111397.com/coronavirus, with blog posts 和 answers to frequently asked questions to help you out. 条件 会继续变化. 消息灵通. 

请在这个周末打电话给立法者 关于预期收入 市政预算不足. 告诉他们你们镇对 support residents 和 businesses in the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis, but also share with them that lower tax 和 utility revenues will mean cuts in the critical areas 公共安全和公用事业. 想了解更多关于联赛的背景和分析 北卡罗莱纳州各城市的财政情况,请参考 这些谈话要点 这封信是寄给立法者的 过去的一周. 你也可以从……学到更多 这 罗利的新闻 & 观察者的文章,其中包括365足彩下载的 perspective while taking a comprehensive look at how 新型冠状病毒肺炎 has economically 影响了整个州的地方政府.

州议员目前正在计划一项新型冠状病毒肺炎应对法案, 预计将在本月底提交并投票. 为了确保 the needs of cities remained part of that ongoing discussion, the League undertook many activities 这 week to advance the priorities of city 官员. At the legislature, League staff offered four briefings for each 立法核心小组及其工作人员. 这些简报概述了 新型冠状病毒肺炎请求 上星期365足彩下载党议员组成.

此外,为了让市政府官员跟上进度 365足彩下载最新财政分析 和立法要求,365足彩下载工作人员认为 这是新时代的第一次视频会议 促进365体育足彩 系列. 这个系列,到 每周四下午3点举行.m. 为全体团员,重点关注 the top-line developments at the 州和联邦层面 each week. 每一个 meeting will also include action items 和 offer direction for city 官员 to take action 和 communicate with state 和 federal decision-makers. 寻找 an email each week to know the topics that will be discussed, 和 to receive 如何参与的说明.

在国会 discusses a new round of legislation in response to the COVID 19 outbreak, 365足彩下载寄了一封信来 本周向北卡罗莱纳州国会议员发表讲话 delegation outlining the needs of cities 和 towns as they address the crisis. 这封信, sent Thursday by NCLM President William Pitt on behalf of the 365足彩下载的 Board of Directors, noted that federal legislation to date had not addressed the economic effects of the COVID 19 outbreak on municipal budgets. 它指出,最近通过的联邦 关心行为 有限的资金 directed at state 和 local governments to direct COVID response.

“这些事实 tell the story of why additional legislation is needed: Sales tax contributes a significant part of a city’s revenue; the median city 在北卡罗来纳州 receives about 28 percent of its revenue from sales tax; that revenue is used to help pay the largest categorical expenses in a city’s general budget -- 公共安全,”信中说. 它还提供了关于的详细资料 how utility revenues, occupancy taxes 和 potentially delayed payments of some 财产税可能会影响市政预算.

这封信 comes as League staff continues to organize virtual meetings with members of 北卡罗莱纳州国会代表团,包括 这一个与U一起安排.S. 代表. G.K. 巴特菲尔德定于下周. 看 for more information from the League next week regarding federal outreach 和 advocacy as we work with you to continue making municipal needs known at the 州和联邦层面. 

该研究所 for Local Self Reliance’s Community Networks, which the League has worked with on several projects promoting better broadb和 access, has created a new North Carolina-focused website on the 问题 和 is encouraging North Carolinians to take part on a “speed test” to better document residents’ actual Internet 速度,而不是供应商365体育足彩的速度. 网站和速度测试创建 可在以下网址找到 http://nc.localbroadband.org/. 这方面的努力包括 WRAL最近的纪录片《365足彩下载》 是NCLM合作的 团的通过不断推进 FIBER NC法案 为了更好地 改善宽带接入的公私伙伴关系.

与此同时, 前州长贝弗·珀杜最近写道 这个专栏 出现在WRAL网站上 the lengths to which public school teachers are having to go to connect with 由于新冠肺炎疫情,学校停课. 珀杜说北方 Carolina needs to come out of the crisis doing better to make their jobs easier 通过为居民提供更好的宽带连接. 以下是评论文章 一篇文章 在北卡罗来纳的网站上 school teacher which goes into detail about her difficulties connecting with 学生. Accompanying the article, you will see NCLM sponsored content on the 问题.

Retails establishments that are permitted to operate under previous 新型冠状病毒肺炎 measures from state government now must take additional steps to cap the risk of community transmission of the coronavirus 和 make sure people ad在这里 to social distancing, per a new executive order the governor 问题d Thursday. 第131号行政命令 还寻求加快失业保险的处理 索赔. For retail establishments, the order “limits retail establishments to no more than 20 percent of the business’s stated fire capacity or five customers for every one thous和 square feet of the retail location’s total 面积. 零售地点可以选择两种计算方法中的哪一种 他们的最大占用率是多少. 对于平方英尺的计算,它 includes the full footprint of the interior building, 和 all retail- 和 non-retail空间.“这是我说的 anticipated-questions-和-answers 文档的 governor’s team 问题d along with the order, which spells out a social distancing requirement as well, along with a number of recommendations for retail spaces. “总督期望零售机构会这样做 comply with the Order to ensure the safety of their employees 和 customers 和 相信他们中的大多数人会,”文件指出. “必要的话,凤凰社 会由当地执法部门执行吗.” 阅读全文 欲了解更多信息,请访问 有关影响本地订单的详情.

CityVision 2020 改成了虚拟会议, 完成直播和点播教育会议, 和 the League's annual business meeting—save the date for May 28. 议程和会议细节即将公布, but the business meeting will feature a similar lineup as year's past 和 will include electronic voting results 和 a swearing in of the 2020-2021 Board of Directors.


2020年提名委员会已经公布 一份备忘录 以会员资格,其中概述了电子 nomination 和 voting process for 这 year's unpredictable circumstances. 成员 寻求董事会席位,应提交 候选人兴趣表格 by 5 p.m. 4月30日. 所有提名和选举信息,包括 候选人简介-可在选举中心网站, www.选举.0111397.com.

此时, 官方U.S. 已经收到了人口普查局的信件,社区也收到了 自我报告. 在整个 country, close to half the people have self-reported as of April 6. 在北 卡罗莱纳,不幸的是,这个数字只有42.9%. 请关注北卡罗来纳州的最新进展 在这里, 遵循排名 在这里, 继续在当地努力增加计数. 2020年人口普查首次允许在网上轻松回答问题.