


事情发生的经过: We issued an action-alert (re-run below in 这个公告) to contact your 成员 of Congress to encourage their support of federal legislation that would help cities and towns address revenue 由于大流行的影响,经费不足. 政府. 罗伊•库珀 给了 一个地址 关于国家如何摆脱目前的限制 同时维护公共安全和健康. 的立法会议员工作小组 N.C. 联大继续专门就冠状病毒举行会议, looking at topics including state law and 远程 meetings for local governments as well as vehicle tax collection and inspection 最后期限 (detailed below in 这个公告).  

单词释义: 现在是时候向美国提出要求了.S. Sens. 伯尔和提利斯,还有你的美国.S. 众议院成员,批准联邦援助地方金库.  

利用: 新的州立法会议. 在不到两周的时间里,全体大会将 重新启动,不过需要一些不同的程序. 冠状病毒意味着 extra precautions, including limiting who can enter the 立法 Building. 报道 从 WRAL新闻 新闻 & 观察者 列出一些大的图景 分数和期望.  

瘦子: 保持 健康和知情,因为你加入州和联邦领导人应对 这场危机. 请继续阅读更多更新. ,不要 忘了把那些人口普查的回复寄过来. 

地方领导的工作量几乎从未减少过, 没有比现在更真实的情况了. 随着你们责任的增加,我们的责任也在增加. 就个人而言,优先考虑的是你的家乡. But together, as a whole—as a League—we're tackling the larger, looming crises.

为了这个目的, 我们正在被倾听并产生影响, 过去一周左右的城镇新闻报道就证明了这一点. 在政策方面,我们做到了 在立法者面前,表达 的紧迫性 的情况 向国会 与政府合作. 罗伊•库珀, state budget officials, and state lawmakers (as noted in 这个公告). 本周,365足彩下载还将城市和城镇与美国联系起来.S. 代表. 泰德·巴德,帕特里克·麦克亨利和G.K. 巴特菲尔德参加了关于冠状病毒的虚拟圆桌会议.

We're of course taking seriously the revenue picture, with context laid out in the League's annual 收入项目备忘录. 这份文件是 钢支撑 因为他们的影响力 准备预算 尽他们所能 支持当地经济.

最后,我们不能让任何事情半途而废. 非冠状病毒问题仍在渗透,从保障 主要市政当局需要 为全州提供可靠的宽带.​

a的领导 房子 新型冠状病毒肺炎工作组 表示希望在周二发表讲话 COVID远程会议关注事项 市政官员提出. 在会议上,小组 两党立法主席指示工作人员与当地政府合作 像365足彩下载和N这样的倡导者.C. 县专员协会 bill language that would clarify the authority of local boards to meet 远程ly 在目前的紧急状态下. 365足彩下载要求对此作出澄清 in the law several weeks ago, and thanks Continuity of State Operations Working 集团联合主席代表. 约翰·贝尔,大卫·刘易斯和达伦·杰克逊 支持法律的更新. 请致电你们的立法代表团并敦促 them to support the ability for local boards to meet 远程ly during this state 进入紧急状态.  

也在 Tuesday’s meeting, 成员 of this working group endorsed another policy change 这可能会影响车辆财产税的征收. 具体而言,工作组成员表示支持允许 延长验车限期(上市 在这里 (第1页),以及免除与之相关的费用和罚款 最后期限. 如果出现这种情况,地方收入可能会受到负面影响 measures were taken, due 到 fact that, currently, vehicle owners pay their 财产税只有在检查后才征收. 检查的延迟可能会导致 车辆财产税的延迟支付,如果没有其他解决办法. 当你 和你的立法者谈谈,强调保留车辆财产税的必要性 即使检验要求延迟,付款也到位. 

一般 Assembly will likely take up these items and other emergency measures as part 4月28日开始的新冠肺炎专题会议. 本周的立法领导人 给了 some detail regarding that session, saying that they expected committees 4月29日远程会面,4月30日亲自投票. During any of these meetings and voting sessions, leaders said that the only 允许亲自出席的人包括立法者、工作人员和媒体 成员. 所有其他公众成员都可以监控 讨论通过 远程 音频流.​​

注意:365足彩下载在周三发出了行动警报. Now is the time to contact your 成员 of Congress to encourage them to support legislation that helps cities and towns address revenue shortfalls resulting 从 the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis, as the next round of federal legislation may offer the best opportunity to meet these 需要s.

现在是时候联系你的美国公司了.S. 众议院议员和.S. Sens. Richard Burr and Thom Tillis to urge them to approve additional legislation that supports cities and towns as they address the effects of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis.

Let them know that the previously-approved CARES Act will not address the economic effects and associated revenue losses that cities and towns will suffer as a result of the pandemic. This is due to restrictions that limit funding to direct COVID-related expenses and only allow for direct funding 到 largest local governments in the country. Tell them that those restrictions 需要 to be lifted and that an additional round of state and local funding should be included in any Interim Emergency Relief Bill.


  • 小企业是城镇的命脉, 他们需要持续的帮助来维持生存. 市政当局及其居民依赖这些企业, 但他们反过来又依赖于城市的服务.
  • The slowdown in economic activity is certain to affect local government cash flows, 收入和预算. Sales tax revenue makes up 28 percent of a median municipalities' general fund operating budget 在北卡罗来纳州, and many municipalities expect that revenue stream to drop by 20 to 30 percent during this period of reduced economic activity.
  • On average, 31 percent of general fund municipal budgets 在北卡罗来纳州 go toward public safety. 警察, firefighters and other public safety staff are critical in addressing the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis, 而被迫裁员的市政当局将破坏这种反应.
  • Cities and towns 在北卡罗来纳州 also are facing revenue shortfalls and cash flow issues associated with water, 下水道和电力设施运营, as no-disconnect orders have been issued to protect customers 和ir health. 他们还看到酒店占用税大幅下降.
  • The federal CARES Act is primarily limited to addressing direct COVID-related response expenses, and for many cities and towns will provide little relief for revenue shortfalls suffered by local governments. 因为这些地方政府将被迫平衡预算, staff and service cuts will only mean the extension of economic pain 和 damaging effects of an economic downturn.
Please take action now as Congress is considering a new round of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 relief legislation.

敦促北卡州的美国议员.S. 房子 and Senate to support cities and towns by taking commonsense steps to protect city services and those residents and businesses who depend on them.

CityVision 2020 有 been revamped into a virtual conference, complete with both live and on-demand educational sessions, 和 League’s annual business meeting—save the date 5月28日. 议程和会议细节即将公布,但业务 meeting will feature a similar lineup as year’s past and will include electronic 投票结果和2020-2021年董事会宣誓就职.

2020年提名委员会 发布 一份备忘录 to the 成员hip, which outlines the electronic nomination and voting process for 今年的情况不可预测. 寻求董事会席位的成员应该这样做 提交 候选人 感兴趣的形式 五点以前.m. 4月30日.

不要等着提交你的提名——我们 收到候选人资料后是否会在网上发布. 这些和其他 选举资料可浏览“选举中央” 网站, www.选举.0111397.com.

League Director of Political Communication and Coordination Scott Mooneyham is heard this week on a popular podcast discussing broadband 需要s through a pandemic lens. 播客, 称为社区宽带比特, is produced by the Institute for Local Self Reliance and is hosted by its director, 克里斯托弗·米切尔, 宽带问题专家.

“Christopher and Scott discuss how the spread of the novel coronavirus 有 changed life in the state's communities and how local governments are responding to new 需要s while continuing to provide essential services. Scott shares stories 从 towns that are now struggling with broadband access, 尽管他们靠近主要的地铁, 制造公共安全隐患,该节目的365体育足彩语是这样写的.



在这一点上,美国官方.S. 人口普查 该局的信件已经收到,社区也在自我报告. 而 the national response rate is just shy of 50 percent, it’s less than 46 percent 在北卡罗来纳州. 保持 最新的 北卡罗来纳州的进展, 遵循 排名, 继续在当地努力增加计数.