


N.C. General Assembly is scheduled to return to regular business on May 16 in what would kick off the 2018 "short session" for state budget adjustments and other priority lawmaking. The legislature holds short sessions in the even-numbered years generally as a continuation of the previous year's business. 虽然短期会议没有确定结束的最后期限, the current word inside the 立法 Building is that 2018's session will be especially brief, 可能在六月结束. 学校安全是焦点之一, given the recent formation of a legislative committee prompted by school shootings 比如佛罗里达州布劳沃德县的那个.今年二月,. 该委员会已取得进展 若干立法建议.
至于国家预算, legislative leaders in both chambers say they're ahead of the curve on development and negotiations and may arrive quickly at a compromise version to approve and send the governor for signing. 参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰和众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 说他们已经同意了 23美元.90亿的支出目标, 重点是提高教师工资和减少个人所得税, 与24美元相比.50亿美元的提案. Roy Cooper于周四发布. 它还包括教师加薪. 而州长和立法领导人在支出数字上并不一致, the Republican majority in the legislature is large enough to override a budget veto. Specifics of the House and Senate plans were not available at the time of this writing.

政府. 罗伊·库珀被释放 他提出了2018-19年的州预算调整 周四发布了一系列令城镇感兴趣的条款. 称其为“共同基础解决方案”计划, it's essentially the first step in the budget-adjustment process that the state legislature will largely drive. 州长的提议包括4300万美元用于农村地区的需求, 包括宽带接入, 17美元.500万美元用于改善一级和二级县的准入和服务. 还包括2美元.5 million for mobile hotspots and devices for students who don't have broadb和一个ccess at home, 并将投入1200多万美元用于建筑再利用资金, 基础设施和主要街道援助. The proposal also marks nearly $140 million for ongoing disaster recovery assistance. More than $9 million is slated for mental health and treatment expansions as the opioid crisis persists. Close to $3 million would serve as state matching funds for drinking-water infrastructure project money from the federal government. The governor also proposes more aid for the state's TV and movie production industry, in the form of a rebate for large productions capped at $15 million per TV series and $5 million per film. (The plan would repurpose the film grant program for smaller, indie productions.)简而言之,奥巴马州长. 库珀的支出提案还把更多的注意力放在Connect NC债券项目上, NC准备工作基金, 水污染物, 为2020年人口普查做准备等等. 任何人都可以在网上阅读该计划的全文. 参众两院, 哪些正在起草自己的提案, 是否需要在最终批准前就细节达成一致.

The basics of community-led broadband were fully explained in a webinar led on Thursday by League 立法 Counsel Erin Wynia (co-author of the recent 跨越数字鸿沟 关于北卡罗来纳州如何缩小宽带接入差距的报告). 任何不能观看网络研讨会直播的人都可以 观看存档的长达一小时的视频. 网络研讨会的重点是宽带术语, 技术, 合作伙伴关系, 法律环境, 地方领导人的作用, 以及可用的资源. "T在这里 are many, many good resources in this area, including many in this state," said Wynia.

加入365足彩下载和杜克能源 APWA-NC会议在山核桃 to discuss issues surrounding the modernization of municipal street lighting. 这次会议将于6月13日举行, 10:30至中午, and will serve as a continuation of discussions that began after the League in 2013 intervened in the utility’s rate cases before the N.C. 公用事业委员会. Those discussions have continued from the League’s intervention in Duke’s most recent rate cases (正如最近几期《365足彩下载公报》所述).
It’s an opportunity for Duke to check in with municipal customers in both Duke Energy Progress (DEP) and Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) territories to discuss outdoor lighting strategies and the company's most recent rate cases. 另外, Duke’s Outdoor Lighting team will offer technical expertise to DEC customers about the new street lighting rate design proposed through its proposed settlement with the League. 你可以免费参加这个会议, 不需要注册完整的APWA会议. 登记参加户外照明会议 在这里.
注册说明: Attendees will need to create an account; once logged in, 与会者可以选择“注册类型:与会者”,,然后选择“注册我自己”.,点击“注册我自己”,” select “Duke Energy Session – no charge” at the bottom of the list and click “Update.” Once completed, select “Add payment details” for no charge, and then submit. 如有疑问,请联系 莎拉·柯林斯.​

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has selected North Carolina for a program that facilitators say "will shape the future of drones in America.“ acceleration of drone 技术 has caught the attention of local governments from policy 和一个pplication angles and has been the subject of League programming, 包括一个 论坛 和一个 播客. 现在,国家是 10名参与者之一 美国联邦航空局宣布了它的新举措, 被称为无人机系统集成试点项目, billed as an opportunity for state and local governments to partner with the private-sector drone industry for faster yet safe drone integration. Data collected in the process could help shape future rules for low-altitude operations.
根据该计划,N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) would work with global drone delivery companies "to set up a network of medical distribution centers that can use drones to make medical deliveries," a 新闻稿 说. "Blood and other supplies currently travel by courier to hospitals and testing facilities. With drones, medical providers would get the test results and supplies they need much faster." NCDOT said the effort is expected to "foster a meaningful dialogue on the balance between local and national interests related to UAS integration." U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the program will "unlock the enormous potential of drone operations, 这将在当地社区创造新的服务和就业机会.“ 美国联邦航空局公告 有更多细节.
基础设施周是5月14日至21日, and municipal leaders around the nation are asking federal officials to take a closer look at the present challenges and future needs of cities and towns for the good of America. 通过突出显示成功完成的项目或修复的地方, 你的城市需要现代化或新的投资 ... 我们可以在推动联邦基础设施计划方面发挥作用,全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)在一份声明中说 倡导更新 本周. NLC is among participants in Infrastructure Week with emphasis on clean drinking water and reliable transportation networks, 还有宽带接入. "Now more than ever we need city leaders to highlight your greatest infrastructure needs and why a federal partnership on infrastructure is important to your city,NLC说. 它的 倡导更新 包括对地方官员参与的建议, 并跟进其他市政当局感兴趣的联邦新闻更新.