


事情发生的经过: Legislators continued an unusual “regular session.365足彩下载会见了 政府ernor’s office to give input on the needs of local utilities under a soon-to-expire executive order that has kept them from certain revenue 冠状病毒疫情期间的收藏. 一项新的行政命令进一步缓解了这一问题 对居民和企业的限制. 我们得到了2020年的预测 飓风季节即将来临.  

单词释义: 有一个 待定地段. In this Bulletin we paint a picture of how the legislature is 这些天做生意,国家预算怎么了,我们有 look at a 参议院 proposal to boost the reopening of food 和 drink 机构. We list specifics from Executive Order 141, which lifts the stay-home order in favor of a “Safer at Home” approach. 然后我们分解 通过数字预测风暴季节. 有更多的.    

利用: 关注365足彩下载 成员-每年选举的官员和365足彩下载的董事会成员 董事将由市政投票代表于5月6日通过电子方式投票产生 20-25,结果将于5月28日公布. 我们对此有详细的说明 Bulletin, but make sure your municipality’s voting delegate participates.  

瘦子: 很明显 there’s a lot happening right now, but that’s what this Bulletin is for. We round up need-to-know information with context so you can navigate these challenges with your community in an informed way. 

On Wednesday, the 2020 NCLM 提名 Committee released its 报告, 委员会的工作大纲是什么, including their nominations for the 2020-2021 NCLM Board of Directors. 该委员会在4月30日之前接受提名,并于上午9点开始举行了正式的虚拟听证会.m.5月18日. 管理人员和董事会成员的年度选举将于5月20日至25日由市政投票代表以电子方式投票. 选举结果将于5月28日(星期四)在虚拟投票期间与会员分享 Annual Business Meeting, CityVision Part 1. 的 报告 和 full slate can be viewed online at 选举.0111397.com. 如果您对您所在城市的投票代表有疑问,请联系凯伦·沃德尔. 

团领导开会 本周与州长团队分享他们的想法和担忧 计划到期 第124号行政命令 并要求灵活性 当地社区. That order, which prohibits utilities – including local 政府运营的电力、水和污水处理服务——不再中断 在新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行期间无法付款和无法收取费用的客户; penalties or interest for late payments, is set to expire June 1. 我们还不知道州长是否 will let the order expire, continue the order, or continue the order with 修改. At the time the 政府ernor entered the order, cities 和 towns 整个州已经开始实施计划和项目来帮助他们 由于新冠肺炎而无法支付水电费的公民 危机. 的 League has requested the order not be extended so that local 政府ernments can begin to address the issue at home.
总督的命令适用于所有人 citizens, even if they had not suffered a loss in income because of 新型冠状病毒肺炎危机. Some cities have seen non-payment rates double or triple in recent months, which strains the finances of utilities that were facing significant challenges even prior to the p和emic. 市政当局将 比如根据最好的情况灵活地处理当前情况 为当地社区服务. Allowing municipalities who wish to have the ability to 开始与他们的客户建立付款计划,现在将是有益的 从长远来看,由于公用事业费用延迟的时间越长,就越困难 消费者有可能偿还吗. 365足彩下载领导人对此表示赞赏 opportunity to share these concerns with the 政府ernor’s office. 

的 本届立法机构短期会议的轮廓本周已经成形,尽管没有 many of the ways legislators normally conduct business. 参议院举行了 numerous in-person meetings of its committees all 周, taking up routine 在预先安排的房间里立法保持社交距离,但在公共场合缺乏 出席. In contrast, the House held only a few committee meetings 和 远程进行的,只安排了一个完整的投票环节 周. However, House Speaker Tim Moore announced that his chamber’s remote 会议将于下周停止,会议将恢复面对面会议 然后讨论和表决程序. 

代表. 众议院资深预算撰写人查克•麦格雷迪(Chuck McGrady)评论了这些困难 立法者和倡导者在试图促进例行公事时都面临着同样的问题 立法程序 实用 限制 关于公众的参与. 几个游说者向我提到 how hard it was to know what was happening,” he wrote in a 组成更新 昨天. “While notices still went out via the internet, often they didn’t get a verbal underst和ing of scheduling until a formal 通知已经发出,很难研究提议的影响 legislation 和 try to garner access to policymakers. 这使得游说者 jobs much harder 和 makes it more difficult for some legislators to familiarize themselves with the details of the bills.” 

沿着 本周,立法领导层在这些问题上发出了前进的信号 有一项任务通常会推动所有立法会议的时间表 预算. Following an extension of the 预算 bill filing deadline to next 周二,参议院主要的预算撰写人提出了18项单独的预算 账单日. Each bill addressed a specific funding priority for that chamber, 和 one of them supported a key priority of city officials. 如果资助, sb810水/废水 公营企业改革 would dedicate state funds to public water 和 wastewater systems at risk of financial collapse. 参议院的法案提出了这一点 周证实了立法观察员数周来的预测 speculated that legislative leaders 和 Gov. 罗伊·库珀就做不到 就下一财政年度的总体预算达成一致,因此立法机关将制定 individualized 预算 adjustments via separate spending bills.  

参议院 leader Phil Berger had previously announced an intention to wrap up short 在本财政年度结束前(6月30日),麦迪在他的报告中写道 message that the House would work toward the same goal. 

首先,计划参加5月28日上午10点开始的年度业务会议. 的n, log on June 16-18 for more live 和 on-dem和 education sessions. Both parts of CityVision are 可用 to NCLM members for FREE!

  • 的 May 28 business meeting will feature Gov. 罗伊 Cooper for an update about 新型冠状病毒肺炎 relief efforts in local 政府ernment. Additionally, the meeting will also cover the organization's annual 报告ing 和 executive director's 报告, legislative 报告 和 the 2020-2021 Board of Directors 选举 results. 
  • 的 second part of the CityVision Virtual Summit, 6月16日至18日举行, 是一个多日的教育活动吗, with each day focused on a different course of study. 收听有关经济发展、技术和领导力的现场和点播研讨会. 每天将提供2小时的现场教育,以及一些由州政府和行业思想领袖主持的按需“午餐和学习”迷你会议.  在这里查看完整议程

不要等到第一个注册,在6月5日之前注册的000名会员将收到邮寄的CityVision礼品袋和会议包! 同样,这个活动对会员是免费的.

Seeing stability in key indicators of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 activity, Gov. 罗伊·库珀(罗伊 Cooper)本周宣布了放宽限制的“第二阶段”,将于周五下午5点生效.m. 这是他的新发明 第141号行政命令, which ends the stay-home order in favor of a “Safer at Home" spirit. 州长团队强调这是针对高危人群的,并继续敦促远程办公. “北卡罗来纳州正在利用这些数据来指导我们决定何时解除新型冠状病毒肺炎限制, 和 overall our key indicators remain stable,州长在新闻发布会上说. “Safer At Home Phase 2 is another careful step forward, 我们必须继续认真对待这种病毒,以防止感染的危险激增." 的 following is verbatim from the 政府ernor's office:

“第二阶段的人群聚集限制是室内不超过10人,室外不超过25人。. 的se limits apply to the following: event venues; conference centers; stadiums 和 sports arenas; amphitheaters; 和 groups at parks or beaches. 

“Some businesses will remain closed in Phase 2 including: bars; night clubs; gyms 和 indoor fitness facilities; indoor entertainment venues such as movie theaters, 还有保龄球馆. 

“Certain businesses will be open at limited capacity with other requirements 和 recommendations including: restaurants at 50 percent dine-in capacity with distancing 和 cleaning requirements; personal care businesses, 包括沙龙和理发店, at 50 percent capacity with distancing 和 cleaning requirements; pools at 50 percent capacity with distancing 和 cleaning requirements. 个人护理企业的员工将被要求戴口罩."

见州长的 新闻发布会上 查阅第二阶段的全部资料.

飓风季节开始 June 1, 和 experts are predicting “above normal” activity. 全国 Oceanic 和 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its annual outlook on 周四. While it doesn’t predict l和falls, it does see a 70 percent 13-19个命名风暴,6 - 10个飓风,3- 6个主要风暴的概率 2020年的飓风. 飓风季节持续到11月. NOAA将更新 它在8月初发布的前景展望“与今年8月的高峰月份一致” 季节,”该机构说. 阅读全文 以及背后的科学. 

美国.S. 人口普查局 has released its 2019 population estimates for municipalities, though the 结果是基于2010年的人口普查,而不是目前正在进行的人口统计. 看看 北卡罗来纳州的崩溃查找其他数据表 可用 从局里. “Overall, large cities in the South with populations of 50,000 or more continue to grow at a faster pace than in any other U.S. 地区”, 人口调查局. “Since the 2010 Census, the populations of large southern 城市平均增加了11个.8%.人口普查结果告知联邦 资金决定,比以往任何时候都更重要的是确保你的社区 在2020年人口普查期间进行了充分统计,现在正在接受答案 online along with the traditional 报告ing methods. 欲知详情,请浏览 http://census.nc.政府