


The House this week formally voted not to concur with the 参议院的预算计划, leaving the state without a budget agreement as the end of the fiscal year approached next Tuesday. 昨天下午有消息称,参众两院可能即将就一项持续性预算决议达成一致, which will be necessary to allow the state to continue operating in the absence of a budget, but that agreement was not reached before legislators adjourned for the weekend.

与此同时, 众议院财政委员会分别在两天里举行了总共三个小时的会议,讨论参议院预算中包含的财政计划. Local sales tax reallocation (detailed previously 在这里) was a significant point of discussion during both meetings, with numerous House members expressing concerns about the proposal. 昨天, the committee heard city perspectives on the plan, 加里镇议会成员詹妮弗·罗宾逊(她也是365足彩下载董事会成员)以及365足彩下载成员城市阿什维尔和格林维尔的市长埃斯特·曼海默和艾伦·托马斯, 分别, 给我时间向委员会发言. Council Member Robinson spoke to cities' need for additional locally-controlled revenue options, 而曼海默市长和托马斯市长都谈到了他们所在城市的区域性重要性,以及他们的城市对周边农村县居民的影响.

Video of yesterday's meeting can be found 在这里, 周二会议的音频,以及参议院财政计划的相关文件,都可以在这里找到 在这里. 金融联合主席 代表. 杰森Saine, 谁主持了这两次会议, 在昨天会议结束时宣布,周二将继续讨论参议院的计划. 我们感谢代表. 塞恩和他的主席同事, 代表. 比尔布劳利, giving these proposals a thorough public hearing, 感谢你和许多委员会成员,他们表达了对该计划对当地政府的影响的担忧. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

一项加强建筑检查员行为标准的改进措施本周在参议院获得通过,并将返回众议院进行一致投票. 自 初步考虑 of HB 255建筑规范. 改革 由众议院在本届会议早些时候提出, 365足彩下载寻求一项修正案,以澄清法案中视察员进行“全面视察”的新要求.城市感谢 代表. 马克·布罗迪, 该法案的主要发起人, for accepting the League's suggested language to improve this section of the bill.

Throughout this week's Senate debates on HB 255, 参议员们对州建筑法规从一个地方到另一个地方缺乏一致的执行表示担忧. 作为回应,代表. 布洛迪和联合国的代表.C. 住宅建筑商协会都公开承诺未来将立法进一步规范检查. 除了, 参议员们要求各城市保证,不会为了增加因即将废除特权执照税而损失的收入而增加检查费. 然而, 从一开始, 该法案解决了这一问题,要求检查部门只将费用用于与检查有关的活动.

当它被送回众议院时, 该法案仍包含一项令各城市担忧的条款:其中一项条款将使建筑检查员受到新的处罚, 如果建筑商向检查员的许可委员会提出申诉,模糊的工作表现标准可能会危及他们的认证. But changes made both in the House 和 the Senate, 基于联赛的投入, have significantly improved the bill from a city perspective. If the House approves the Senate's version of the bill in a concurrence vote, it would go next to the 政府ernor for his consideration. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

With Senate agreement on a last-minute House change to SB 284 Infrastructure Assessments/Extend Sunset, the League-supported bill now heads to 政府. 帕特·麦克罗里. The legislation would continue to authorize a tool used to more quickly build infrastructure projects, including roads 和 water 和 sewer lines, 接下来的五年. 众议院周一在会议厅修改了该法案,将评估回收期从30年缩短至25年. This amendment puts into law existing policy of the State's local government finance watchdog agency, 地方政府委员会. 只有当大多数被评估财产的所有者提出要求,并且这些所有者至少占被评估财产价值的66%时,地方政府才可以使用这一工具. The League thanks legislators for acting quickly to extend the current special assessment authority, which would have otherwise expired on Wednesday. For more details about how the special assessment authority tool works, read this March 13, 2015, LeagueLINC Bulletin article. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

政府. 帕特·麦克罗里(Pat McCrory)签署了一项立法,限制市政当局对住宅建筑实施设计标准的能力, building st和ards typically used to preserve community character. 州长签署了 SB 25分区设计 & 审美控制 在周五. 365足彩下载试图对立法进行几项修改,但没有成功,这些修改主要集中在保留现有社区填充项目的设计标准上. 阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里.
本周,众议院推迟了对一项重组格林斯博罗和三一市议会的法案的投票. According to media reports, House members say the vote was delayed because HB 263 City Elections/Trinity 和 Greensboro 在参议院将格林斯伯勒条款添加到一项仅影响三一学院的单独众议院法案后,没有必要的票数在众议院通过. Two GOP House members from Greensboro -- 代表s. 约翰·布鲁斯特 和 Jon Hardister -- have criticized the bill in its current form. Even so, House members were told the bill would be back before them early next week. 代表resentative Blust's opposition was spelled out in an email to House colleagues obtained by the conservative website The Daily Haymaker. Read media coverage about the latest developments 在这里.
夏洛特市正在继续探索发放市政身份证的计划,同时关注可能阻碍这些计划的立法进展. HB 318 Protect North Carolina Workers ActHB 328 Highway Safety/Citizens Protection Act 明确指出,这种身份证不能被视为可接受的,以确定一个人在该国的身份. HB 318 has been approved by the House 和 now awaits action in the Senate; HB 328 has not been considered. The bills are focused on illegal immigration. Read coverage of the issue by The Charlotte Observer 在这里.

HB 634 Stormwater/Built-Upon Area Clarification quickly passed the Senate yesterday, after passing the House in April. 该法案再次引发了上一届会议的辩论,即州政府和地方政府是否应该处理砾石覆盖的表面, 比如停车场, 根据雨水法是不透水的. 该法案将特别免除在土工布织物上铺设至少4英寸厚的某些大小的石头表面的建筑面积计算, treating the material as if water would run though to the ground below.

365足彩下载反对这些规定,并支持保留1992年编纂的建筑面积的现行定义 S.L. 2014-210 这是由于 广泛的研究 by the Environmental Review Commission. 当地雨水项目的365足彩下载成员担心,由于他们项目的监管要求,未铺设的地面会产生过多的雨水径流. For the purposes of stormwater management, 项目经理必须确保对开发场地进行适当的控制,以控制场地各种表面的径流.

虽然是水洗石, 就像法案里提到的那个, can sometimes be considered pervious, all washed stone will still perform as built upon area in just a short amount of time if driven upon. 最终,表面将很容易变得紧实,表面将不允许渗透的水, t在这里by increasing runoff into the state's waters. 365足彩下载成员, who are held accountable for the water quality impacts that result from such of runoff, oppose the exemption of such material from built upon area calculations.

参议院的版本还将步道(作为州步道系统的一部分或向公众开放)添加到基于区域豁免的列表中. Because the Senate made this addition, the bill will next go back to the House for a concurrence vote. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

The Senate gave final approval Tuesday to legislation that will require moped owners to carry insurance. HB 148 保险 Required for Mopeds 现在交给政府了. 帕特·麦克罗里将被签署成为法律. 去年, 在365足彩下载的支持下, the General Assembly approved a measure requiring that mopeds be registered. 阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里.
威尔明顿市生产了 a video to laud the value of a state historic tax credit as the legislative fight continues over a state incentive to induce investment in historic properties. 视频重申, 在图像和文字中, 365足彩下载党及其成员一直在支持恢复国家历史性税收抵免的许多观点 House Bill 152 New Historic Preservation Tax Credit. The House incorporated the bill into its budget plan, while the Senate did not include incentives for historic preservation in its spending plan.