


WHAT HAPPENED: The governor’s desk cleared of pending bills, 州立法机关正式关闭了一切(除了临时委员会会议),直到9月11日. 2. But there’s still Congress, and that merits your attention.   

含义:由于新型冠状病毒肺炎损害了支持我们社区重要日常服务的收入来源,国会山对州和地方政府的援助需求日益受到关注. Major news sources are covering it, including the Washington Post, which touched base with North Carolina, interviewed NCLM and published words from Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan. 

ON TAP:就这一至关重要的需求与你们的国会议员保持沟通. 现在是时候了. 我们可能会收到美国政府的通知.S. Senate next week on its plans; urge senators to include direct appropriations to cities and 城镇.

THE SKINNY: We don’t know the future of 新型冠状病毒肺炎, but we do know what’s at stake. 我们看到了. Check out this brief video, which succinctly explains the issue, and please share it on your own social media channels for more public awareness. Much more on this topic follows in this Bulletin. 

政府. 罗伊·库珀宣布他不会延长124号行政命令所颁布的公用事业关闭禁令. That order "will be expiring at the end of this month," the governor said in a letter Friday to utility providers, “但我要强调,命令中有关至少六个月还款计划的部分将继续保留. I encourage you to reach out to your customers not only to set up these plans, 但也要将他们与任何可以帮助他们避免电力中断的可用救济联系起来." 

州长库珀在信中感谢医疗服务提供者“尽自己的一份力量帮助北卡罗来纳州陷入困境的居民。. As utility service providers, 你们愿意与客户合作,减轻这次大流行的影响,这一点至关重要." The decision comes as a number of municipal water, 下水道和电力公用事业面临严重的财务问题,因为大量客户已经停止支付账单,而这些公用事业则面临必须支付的固定成本. 阅读全文.

“北卡罗来纳的城镇很像一栋建筑的地基,”开篇说道 a quick and digestible video 为什么新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行对城镇来说是一生的挑战, where 80 percent of all jobs in North Carolina are found. “基础”不仅仅是一个比喻——市政当局投资和维护基础设施和服务,为当地经济的成功奠定基础, with jobs-creating businesses building up from what’s created. “目前,这一经济成功故事正受到新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行的威胁." Please view and share this brief but important video, which urges action from Congress, 在你们自己的社交媒体平台上,继续就救援措施进行对话. 这个视频, 以及你可以在下面读到的联邦税收替代前线的其他行动, 是365足彩下载为国会采取行动解决大流行造成的收入短缺和其他市政需求而争取支持的持续运动的一部分. 

Municipal governments in North Carolina are in urgent need of direct, 为保护当地经济和就业不受新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行影响而提供的联邦援助. Without assistance to fill massive and unforeseen revenue losses, economic recovery will be even slower, many local government jobs and services will be lost, utility systems will be at risk, and capital projects benefiting the business community will be stalled.

预测 在这份备忘录中prepared by League staff have been developed through a variety of sources, including data from the State of North Carolina, self-reported data from municipalities, national economic forecasts, and industry group information. Conservative estimates have been used throughout. These estimates only cover the remainder of the calendar year. Following the recession of 2008, it took nearly six years for sales tax revenues to return to pre-recession levels. 如果N.C. returns to stricter stay-at-home orders, or the economic effects of the pandemic worsen or linger into 2021, municipalities will need more money to offset accompanying revenue losses.​


牛津市长杰基·瑟金特(Jackie Sergent)本周作为WRAL TechWire的客座观点专栏作家 writing on the importance of a supported local business scene as 新型冠状病毒肺炎 decimates activity. “到目前为止,小企业主和他们的工人在经济打击中首当其冲, 当地民选官员知道,这些企业的财务健康对我们全州社区的未来至关重要,瑟金特写道, adding that “the broader economic effects are hitting local government too. When economic activity suffers, so do the tax revenues that cities, 城镇, and counties depend on to deliver services to their residents. In addition to tax revenue, 失业居民无法支付用于资助地方政府运作的费用.” That’s a serious, immediate issue, she notes. 此外,牛津大学, and for many other cities and 城镇, the water and sewer department is seeing a rising delinquency rate. Read Sergent’s thoughts​ 她呼吁大家齐心协力,争取最好的结果.


The Washington Post this week 发表了一篇文章 with landing points across the U.S. on what’s at stake for local governments in need of clear, direct aid as the coronavirus defuels the sources of support for vital, 日常, locally administered services in our communities. “City and state leaders have pointed to shuttered storefronts, sharp declines in shopping and tourism, 由于他们努力遏制冠状病毒的传播,税收收入急剧下降,” the article states before looking at the ground situation in North Carolina. 《365足彩下载》指出,通过国家过滤的城镇现有拨款并没有充分发挥作用. 格林斯博罗市长和N.C. 大都会市长365足彩下载主席南希·沃恩告诉《365足彩下载》,她的城市正在“招致巨额开支”,但没有明确的援助计划. 阅读全文 for a dissection of efforts in Congress to that end, 请花点时间和你们的国会代表沟通一下需求. 

北卡罗来纳州的许多地区仍在努力解决因新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行而变得更加严重的互联网接入问题, 美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)批准了Charter与时代华纳有线(Time Warner Cable)的合并,该公司一直在与美国部分地区的市政当局接触,寻求他们的帮助,以缓解这些条件. In communication with Maine municipalities, 这家电信巨头要求向联邦通信委员会发送支持信,以便与数据上限和流媒体服务收费相关的条款可以提前到期. 这些要求是在Charter继续反对北卡罗来纳州通过立法时提出的,该立法将更好地使市政当局与互联网服务提供商建立公私合作伙伴关系,以改善互联网接入. 时代华纳有线电视公司的说客还撰写了2011年《365足彩下载》的关键条款,该法案严重限制了市政当局在其社区提供更好宽带的努力. 与此同时, 本月初, 电信业说客马库斯·特拉森(Marcus Trathen)向当地政府委员会递交了一封反对信,因为维克森林镇(Wake Forest)正在寻求批准为该镇建设光纤网络的债务. 如果您收到Charter的通信,寻求他们对FCC请求的帮助,请告知365足彩下载. 

也, 本周早些时候, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance’s Community Broadband Networks, which has worked closely with the League on issues of broadband access, 发布 这个视频 强调在宽带接入和网络方面对本地控制的迫切需要. Feel free to share the video on your social media platforms.