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发生了什么:全国受众媒体继续关注疫情如何损害市政预算并危及经济健康的要素, 与 Washington Post highlighting North Carolina specifically 在一篇文章中引用了365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶和其他人的话. 与你们的国会议员保持联系,强调立即获得联邦援助的必要性,这一点非常重要.

WHAT IT MEANS: It’s all about the data, and it’s grim. 我们已经更新 我们的备忘录 预计随着疫情影响收入,市政当局将遭受难以承受的损失. In your conversations with federal lawmakers, share data-supported stories from your town for a clear understanding. 

ON TAP: We’re still waiting on plans from the U.S. Senate for relief as of this writing. 

THE SKINNY: Read below for the fleshed-out story. The effects are real. Cities and towns are the economic drivers of the state and nation, and their health at home is key to avoiding serious, recession-prolonging ripple effects.


NCLM Executive Director Paul Meyer is quoted in a Washington Post story 本周发表的关于北卡罗来纳州市政府公用事业金库在新型冠状病毒肺炎消费者影响下所感受到的痛苦的报告. 这个故事, 题为, “In North Carolina, 未付的电费和水费正把家庭和城市推向财政边缘,指出,北卡罗来纳州有多达100万家庭拖欠水电费. 运营公用事业的市政府随后陷入预算危机,急需紧急援助. “我们正在进入一个公用事业公司(可能)能够切断电力供应的阶段, but what was propping up people’s economic lives, the unemployment benefits and Cares Act support, 不会在那里,” Meyer told the Post. 

365足彩下载, across social media, letter-writing and in-person meetings, 敦促国会提供紧急救援资金,以避免不稳定的公用事业和其他预算问题带来的连锁反应. But federal lawmakers haven’t unified on such an authorization. Please stay connected with your members of Congress on this urgent need; share data from your city or town for a clear understanding. The Post article looks at specific North Carolina towns, like Elizabeth City and Red Springs, where local numbers paint the picture. Read the full article. Meyer was also this week featured in an 音频采访 with NC Policy Watch on the matter. 

WLOS本周还报道了地方政府的整体收入损失危机, quoting mayors from around North Carolina, including League Vice President and Salisbury Mayor Karen Alexander. Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer warned of layoffs, while Kinston Mayor Don Hardy predicted severe impacts on smaller towns. Read the full piece.


365足彩下载更新了其备忘录,详细介绍了与新型冠状病毒肺炎相关的城镇收入损失, with conservative estimates, based on a variety of sources, covering the remainder of the fiscal year. The total projected lost revenue through that point is $599 million. “如果N.C. returns to stricter stay-at-home orders, 否则,疫情的经济影响会恶化,或持续到2021年下半年, 市政当局将需要更多的钱来抵消随之而来的收入损失.” View the full memo​


如果地方政府被排除在下一个援助计划之外,不仅仅是城市和乡镇本身明白可怕的财政状况将会持续下去. Private sector leaders are also aware, and they’ve 寄了一封信 urging federal lawmakers to provide relief to our cities and towns. 


"As we are sure you are aware, 这些影响包括为基础设施提供资金的收入流被堵塞,而基础设施对健康的经济至关重要,对经济复苏的推进至关重要. Road construction and maintenance, public schools and other educational buildings, water and sewer facilities, 许多其他公共工程为私营部门的繁荣创造了基础. Without that foundation, economic recovery will be delayed. 工作 across the construction and associated industries will be lost."
政府. 罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)上周宣布,他不会延长124号行政命令规定的公用事业关闭禁令. That order "will be expiring at the end of this month," the governor said in a letter last Friday to utility providers, “但我要强调,命令中有关至少六个月还款计划的部分将继续保留. 我鼓励你去接触你的客户,而不仅仅是制定这些计划, 但也要将他们与任何可以帮助他们避免电力中断的可用救济联系起来." Read the full letter.

北卡罗来纳大学政府学院计划于7月28日下午1点免费举办Zoom网络研讨会.m. to examine what’s ahead on this. 一份公告称:“我们将讨论断网、逾期罚款和付款计划。. A look at the financial impact data is also planned. Registration is required. Click here for more details

关于向地方政府提供额外援助的讨论仍在联邦层面继续进行, 市政当局现在可以采取措施,确保他们能够利用从以前通过的《365足彩下载》中获得的资金. 各县应该已经收到或即将收到第二笔拨款 from the 冠状病毒 Relief Fund (CRF), which was passed as part of the CARES Act. N.C. 大会总共拨出3亿美元——大约是该州收到的应急基金总额的8%——给各县,并要求各县将其总拨款的至少25%拨给其境内的市政当局. 鼓励市政当局现在与县政府官员联系,讨论县政府计划如何向市政当局分配资金,以及县政府可以协助满足某些要求的其他方式. 例如, 市政当局必须提交一份计划,说明他们计划如何使用分配给该县的资金,以便该县可以在9月9日之前向州提交计划. 1. Any municipality that does not file such a plan by Sept. 1 risks losing its allocated funds. 各县和市也可能希望就应急基金基金达成地方间协议. 其他信息,包括关于合格CRF费用的常见问题解答,N.C. 流行病恢复办公室(NC PRO)的工作人员,以及更多的工作人员都可以在 NC PRO网站.


​An 关于WRAL的文章 本周从2019冠状病毒病的角度审视宽带,以强调制定良好政策的必要性, like the FIBER NC Act introduced in the last General Assembly, 扩大对互联网的接入,因为许多社区得不到服务或服务不足. “People rely on the Internet everyday for not only communication, but access to education, 医疗保健, 和就业,这篇文章写道. “随着人们被迫隔离,工作和商业场所关闭了实体门,人们对互联网的依赖只会增加.” It also quotes of Rep. Josh Dobson说:“互联网对正常运作至关重要,它不再只是一种奢侈品. 这是至关重要的. 这是至关重要的. 这是至关重要的 for 医疗保健, it's crucial for the school systems.“代表. Dobson was a sponsor of the FIBER NC Act, 这将使地方政府能够灵活地与私人供应商合作,将那些服务不足的地区与高速互联网连接起来. Read the full piece. 另请参阅 这个专栏 published in the News & 观察者通过学校和远程学习的角度推动更好的宽带.