


事情发生的经过: 奥巴马州长的两次否决. 罗伊•库珀 hung over Jones Street as the extra session of the General Assembly continued.
这意味着什么?: One of the bills in question took control of how the six constitutional amendment proposals will appear before voters on the ballot this fall; the other dealt with party affiliation disclosure on the ballot's judicial races. 政府ernor Cooper deemed both bills politically slanted and poised to mislead voters in Republicans' favor, 立法领导人对此表示强烈反对.
利用: A Saturday convening of the legislature is set to override the governor's vetoes and put the bills into law.
瘦子: 库珀州长的否决不太可能坚持下去, as the ballot bills in question were among core reasons why the legislature -- with a Republican supermajority -- called its extra session to begin with. 请继续阅读以了解详细信息. 

没有理由拖延. CityVision 2018开放预注册,但时间有限. CityVision, 9月11日在Hickory. 19-21, is the League's premier event full of engaging keynote speakers and informative sessions that will give you the tools you need to face the challenges in your hometowns head on. 今年, CityVision will offer roundtable discussions following each general session to address shared challenges, connect with regional partners and engage in facilitated discussions to gain practical information that you can use immediately.
This is the best opportunity for municipal officials from around the state to dive deep into issues like broadband and technology, 基础设施, 打造城市品牌, 最重要的是, 拨款——找到你需要的钱,让你的市政当局为明天做好准备. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. 预登记于8月11日星期五结束. 24, 所以要早点注册以避免增加免预约登记费. 

Lawmakers are scheduled to vote Saturday on whether to override two vetoes stamped by 政府. 罗伊•库珀. 有问题的法案, 在正在进行的大会特别会议上迅速通过, 会影响11月选民的投票. 一个法案, HB 3​,为六项宪法修正案提案设置了标题(见 上周简报)是有文字的. 根据账单, only the phrase "Constitutional Amendment" will appear on the ballot before each question to voters, superceding a process that was otherwise playing out with a state commission tasked with writing short captions for the amendments. (该委员会的三名成员中有两名是民选的民主党人, which had led to discussion in the Republican caucuses that the commission would inject political strategy in the captions' wording.)另一项法案, SB 3, makes sure a judicial candidate is represented on the ballot with the party affiliation that candidate had 90 days prior to filing. 媒体注意 that the​ bill appears to be in response to an individual candidate who had semi-recently changed his affiliation to Republican, 导致议员们质疑他的诚意. 如果立法机关推翻否决,使法案成为法律, 那个候选人在选票上名字旁边就不会有R了. 同样的90天规则也适用于其他许多办公室.
库珀州长解释了他的否决 一份声明 上个星期五, essentially saying HB 3 clouds voters from any clarifying language about the constitutional amendments and their effects if passed. He said SB 3 among other things is wrong to change the rules for candidates who have already filed and that it rigs a race underway. 立法领导人包括 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔很快予以回击, arguing the "Constitutional Amendment" captioning simpilifies things for voters and that applying the 90-day rule to judicial candidates is a conforming change. “We will override these vetoes to deliver clear and consistent voter information on ballots this November,演讲者摩尔说. 周六的会议定于上午11点举行.m. 参众两院. 其他方面,参议院规则主席比尔·拉本周四发表讲话 提交了一份无限期休会决议.

州财政部长戴尔·福尔韦尔报告称,总体收益为7%.2017-18财年,国家养老基金将获得3%的税收减免,不过税率为1%.到目前为止,收入增长了3%. 这是根据a 新闻稿 他的办公室周四发布的. “2018年的前六个月, 该计划已经支付了超过30亿美元的福利, 华尔街佣金收入为3亿美元,而收益基本持平,财政部长福尔韦尔说. 此外,20年的平均水平为6%.1%与假设的回报率差了几乎整整一个百分点.“这次发布用细节和亮点来分解它. 

政府. 罗伊·库珀周一发布了一份声明 行政命令 for the state to apply for $25 million in federal funds to fight the opioid epidemic here. “We must do even more to fight the opioid crisis in North Carolina and these grants would help us make critical progress to prevent and treat opioid addiction and save lives,州长说. 在命令下,N.C. Department of 健康 and Human Services will seek $22 million from the Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 Services Administration's grant program for prevention, 治疗和康复帮助5人,000或更多的北卡罗来纳人. The state agency would also apply for $3 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for enhanced tracking and reporting of overdose data so the state can better strategize. A 新闻稿 关于该行政命令提供了更多细节.

越来越多的城镇 加入我们在这里成长, our statewide economic development storytelling campaign that shows municipalities' collective value to North Carolina. 最新添加的内容, 在即将到来的其他国家中, to this 100 percent free resource include Greenville and Wake Forest -- each detailing how investments and collaborations from city hall are sparking better business growth and quality of life. 在格林维尔, the story highlights a transformative road project with public and private partners and enthusiasm about the new connectivity their efforts will afford the growing city. "If Greenville means business, we must work with our partners on economic development," said Mayor P.J. 康纳利. 在维克森林, it's a solid narrative about strategic investments sparking a "renaissance" downtown. “小镇已经 ... done a great job planning and investing in the public 基础设施 throughout the downtown area,一位私人开发商这样评价维克森林大学.
Add your story to 我们在这里成长 to bring more attention to your town's investments and partnerships and bring more attention to all other local investments. 每当一个城镇加入“我们在这里生长”运动, 一枚大头针插在虚拟地图上 显示位置. One glance at the map gives a strong impression of municipalities' collective value across the state -- but there's so much more to do. 如果你所在的城镇还没有加入“我们在这里成长”,那么它就错过了一个绝佳的机会. 发送电子邮件至 about@herewegrownc.org 今天加入.

The state Division of Coastal Management (DCM) is taking proposals from local governments in the 20 coastal counties for Planning and Management Grants for fiscal year 2019, 根据… 新闻发布会上. In total, $100,000 of matching funds is available, with a maximum of $20,000 per project. 截止日期是9月. 14. 重点关注自然灾害和风暴恢复的项目将得到优先考虑. 阅读新闻稿 了解更多信息,包括如何申请.