


发生了什么:你的2020年人口普查回复率变得更加重要. Eyes remained glued to Capitol Hill for signs of new coronavirus relief dealmaking. The governor signed a 新行政命令 that in part says persons with criminal histories will not have to disclose them on applications for state jobs for the most part. 一个州特别工作组建议改变当地警务政策. And House Rules Chairman David Lewis submitted his resignation from the legislature effective immediately and pleaded guilty to federal charges tied to use of campaign money. 

含义:现在让我们来谈谈2020年的人口普查吧. 我们已经向你方通报了美方的有关情况.S. Census Bureau’s plans to wrap up early -- at the end of September -- but North Carolina’s response rate remains so low that billions upon billions of dollars are at stake. 那笔钱我们输不起. 别忘了人口普查是, 在某种程度上, a competitive program -- communities that don’t participate essentially waive access to funds allocated on census results. 参与人口普查的社区从中受益. 继续传播! 这很重要. 

ON TAP: It comes as we continue looking to Capitol Hill for signs of a deal on more pandemic relief resources, 最好是直接分配给市政府. 

THE SKINNY: We’ve been supplying data and other context to our partners at the National League of Cities as they lobby Congress for help. 全国人大主席乔·布斯卡诺, 洛杉矶市议会临时议长, 在本周发给会员的一封电子邮件中指出了这一工作. “The current stalemate in Congress over the next emergency relief package is a clear and distressing message to local officials that some in Congress and the Administration remain unconvinced or unaware of the grim reality facing communities large and small across the nation,他说。. Our ears are to the ground for what may come at the state level; the General Assembly is expected back in session on Sept. 2.

The League’s annual compendium of legislative action relevant to cities and towns is out now. 这是会议结束公告, 它提供了特殊的, digestible context to explain the tone and focus of the session along with what happened with each bill we tracked this year -- a year like no other, 我们365足彩下载董事会的官员在介绍中解释. 


国家的 刑事司法中的种族平等问题工作队(TREC)的研究结果 三项政策建议 旨在减少对有色人种社区不成比例的负面影响. 由州长于6月成立, TREC由24名成员组成,由司法部长乔希·斯坦(Josh Stein)和N.C. 最高法院大法官安妮塔·厄尔斯.

  • The Task Force recommends that all North Carolina law enforcement agencies enact a policy articulating a duty to intervene and report in any case where a law enforcement officer may be a witness to what they know to be an excessive use of force or other abuse of a suspect or arrestee.
  • The Task Force recommends that all North Carolina law enforcement agencies enact a Use of Force policy that, 至少, 禁止抱颈.  执法机构应考虑使用下面的政策语言样本.
    • 政策语言示例“禁止抱脖子. 执法人员不得使用扼喉器, 束缚, 侧血管性颈部约束, 颈动脉的限制, 胸外按压, or any other tactics that restrict oxygen or blood flow to the head or neck unless necessary to protect the life of the officer.”
  • The Task Force recommends that the North Carolina Supreme Court enact a General Rule of Practice, which would require an assessment of a defendant’s ability to pay prior to the levying of any fines and fees.
TREC, 会议于周一召开, is expected to continue issuing policy recommendations for local law enforcement agencies. 

另外,本周,奥巴马州长. 罗伊·库珀发布了 新行政命令 that says in part that persons with criminal histories will not have to disclose them on applications for state jobs for the most part. 这是长期招聘政策的变化, 通过这项行政命令, 不适用于地方政府. 但第5 (d)条确实鼓励在地方一级采用. The order also has implications for government contractors as it asks state hiring officials to look at the feasibility of requiring companies that contract with the state to similarly discontinue asking applicants about criminal histories. The Insider State Government News Service covered a conference in which Governor Cooper remarked on the policy: “People will get a chance to shine and show themselves on their own merit when going through the employment process.该命令将于11月10日生效. 1. 据the Insider透露, 35 other states and 150 cities and counties (including 10 in this state) already have such policies or laws. 

North Carolina needs to boost its 2020 Census response rate in a big way to avoid losing billions upon billions of federal dollars, 最新数据表明. 请尽你们所能在你们自己的社区中传达这一点. Responding to the 2020 Census takes just a few minutes; the effects ripple for a decade. 

我们在最近的公报中向你们报告 美国.S. 人口普查局将于9月11日停止实地数据收集. 30 ——比之前预期的要早. 北卡罗来纳州的统计严重不足,因为只剩下几周了, 我们的农村地区尤其落后. 我们这个经济增长第四快、人口第九大的州将损失7美元.按我们目前的统计,40亿美元的资金. 其后果将持续到遥远的未来. 这不是抽象的钱——这些是你的税款,已经支付和收集. 如果我们不通过适当的计数来要求它,它就会去别的地方.

这将是最局部的感受, 在你的家乡:道路, 学校, 紧急服务, 退伍军人服务, 高级护理, 早期教育项目, 公园, 基础设施, 经济发展, 诸如此类. 想象一下N.C. 能在10年内拥有额外的、赚得盆满钵满的740亿美元吗. 想象一下没有它我们会是什么样子. For more information on North Carolina's precarious position, read Carolina Demography's article "N.C.目前的2020年人口普查反应令人担忧.“人口普查工作人员正在挨家挨户敲门, 但目前的计票数量太少,他们无法确保完整的计票. 

但人口普查局记录的每一个回应都是有影响力的. 考虑一下这些数字:

A Census response brings $1,823 per person, per year in federal and state funds back to N.C. 县、镇.




请充分利用你与社区的联系. Speak to local leaders and organizers: shop owners, faith leaders, community groups, etc. 

我们的普查网页 有信息、链接和谈话要点可以帮助吗.

几乎所有的城镇都有官方的Facebook页面. 还有更多的社区页面和本地Facebook群组. 现在是时候利用这些社区留言板了. 下面是在这些Facebook页面上分享的消息. 如果你觉得合适,请随意编辑. What's important is that our citizens understand just how critical the 2020 Census is. 

目前,北卡罗莱纳州在2020年人口普查中被严重低估. 我们将亏损7美元.每年40亿美元的联邦资金. These are our tax dollars--hard earned and rightfully ours--and this funding is critical. 获得这笔钱的唯一方法是全部清点.

  • 道路与交通
  • 早期教育
  • 高级服务
  • 退伍军人服务
  • 支持当地企业的基础设施
  • 农村发展
  • 紧急服务
  • 军事资源
  • 公园和娱乐项目
如果你还没有回复2020年人口普查,请立即回复. 不到10分钟. 所有资料均属机密, 而具体的信息在72年内是不能被法律获取的. All that matters is that you are counted, since federal funds will be distributed by population.



在线: http://my2020census.gov /



能源政策委员会是联合国下属的一个咨询小组.C. 环境质量部, 发表了一份报告 with legislative recommendations that would preempt local control over the right to ban energy choices. It's only a recommendation; no legislation has come forth at this time. 报告中写道:“北卡罗来纳州应该考虑通过立法, 类似于最近在田纳西州和亚利桑那州通过的法案, 这阻止了地方政府实体禁止能源选择. Energy policy should be enacted by the General Assembly and implemented by the North Carolina Utilities Commission. 综合资源规划, 为北卡罗来纳所有消费者的利益着想, 不能在裂缝中最佳完成, 因县或市而异的不协调的基础." 

House Rules Chairman David Lewis has resigned from the legislature amid federal charges tied to use of campaign funds. North State Journal reports that federal authorities have charged Lewis with a pair of federal crimes and that Lewis has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge for late tax filing and a felony charge tied to a false statement made to a bank, 都与他竞选账户的使用有关. 阅读完整的新闻报道.